PAMIS Creative Arts
Creative arts plays a vital role in the lives of people with PMLD and here you can discover and use our creative resources.

Welcome to PAMIS’ creative arts page. We recognise the vital role the creative arts plays in the lives of people with profound and multiple learning disabilities, those that support them and the wider communities. Storytelling is at the heart of PAMIS, and here you will find the spirit of stories weaves through every aspect of what we do at PAMIS.
From creating multi-sensory stories personal to individuals, on a whole range of topics, such as support to help people with profound and multiple learning disabilities and those that care for them through challenging times, to enjoying a story by the river or at the festival, you will find lots here to help you explore ideas for creating your own stories.
Creative Communities
The Arts End of Somewhere
Rivers and Shores
The Imagination Toolkit-a multi-sensory story resource for challenging times
Story Blog
The Cultural Strategy for Scotland underpins the work of the Creative Arts Team at PAMIS.
The Vision of the Cultural Strategy.
Scotland is a place where culture is valued, protected and nurtured. Culture is woven through everyday life, shapes and is shaped by society, and its transformative potential is experienced by everyone. Scotland’s rich cultural heritage and creativity of today is inspired by people and place, enlivens every community and is celebrated around the world.
Sustaining and nurturing culture to flourish and to evolve as a diverse, positive force in society, across all of Scotland
- Develop the conditions and skills for culture to thrive, so it is cared for, protected and produced for the enjoyment and enrichment of all present and future generations
- Value, trust and support creative people – for their unique and vital contribution to society and the economy
- Encourage greater openness and diverse cultures to reflect a changing Scotland in the 21st century
- Foster international collaboration and build on Scotland’s reputation for cultural excellence
Transforming Through Culture
Demonstrating that culture is central to Scotland’s wellbeing and cultural, social, economic and environmental prosperity.
- Place culture as a central consideration across all policy areas, including: health and wellbeing, economy, education, reducing inequality and realising a greener and more innovative future
- Open up the potential of culture as a transformative opportunity across society
Empowering Through Culture
Celebrating culture as part of every community; essential to our lives and wellbeing.
- Continue to celebrate Scotland’s extraordinary cultural contributions
- Extend the view of culture to include the everyday and emerging, the established and more formal
- Extend opportunities that enable people to take part in culture throughout their lives
- Recognise each community’s own local cultures in generating a distinct sense of place, identity and confidence
Guiding Principles
Culture in Scotland is valued in and of itself
Culture is free to be inspiring and to challenge
Culture is central to the future wellbeing and prosperity of Scotland – cultural, social, economic and environmental
We celebrate the diversity and excellence of cultures in Scotland and the value of open exchange with the wider world
Everyone has the right to participate freely in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits (Article 27, Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
Place – community, landscape, language and geography – is important and reflects the creativity of the past and provides inspiration for cultural expression today
The strategy is underpinned by actions to support the sector, build new partnerships and help communities develop and celebrate their own culture. It also challenges the public sector to think about how culture can make Scotland a country which is fairer, greener, more inclusive, more innovative and more creative. And it makes clear that culture is a cross-government priority – one which all ministerial portfolios in the Scottish Government contribute towards.
The full potential of culture to transform the lives of individuals and communities as well as contribute to the overall wellbeing of the nation is not yet realised. There is a need to forge better connections across government and improve links between culture and areas such as health, education, tourism, energy, community development, international relations, and the economy. Links between national and local government policy and approaches and links to the private sector are also critical if culture is to play the positive role that evidence demonstrates it can. Being creative and enjoying culture can play a part in transforming opportunities for individuals and society. This strategy supports the development of a more collective understanding and appreciation of the value and impact of culture to ensure it is better supported across Scotland.
Download the Cultural Strategy
We are extremely lucky to have on our staff a team of creative innovators at the forefront of championing accessibility and inclusion in the cultural sector.
Maureen Phillip – Maureen is a multi-sensory-story telling practitioner and is the Creative Inclusion Director at PAMIS. Maureen has over 20 years experience working with PAMIS in research, family support and multi-sensory story practice with people with profound and multiple learning disabilities, their families and supporters. Maureen has an MA (hons)in English and MSc in Information Science and is passionate about the inclusion of people with PMLD in the Creative Arts in all sectors.
Heather Taylor – Heather is a Children’s Author and Storyteller based in Dumfries and Galloway. A fully qualified and experienced Teacher of Drama and Additional Support Needs, Heather has led multiple successful inclusive arts projects in Dumfries and Galloway. Heather is currently working on a multi-sensory storytelling and drama project that supports people to create and develop new accessible storytelling and drama groups.
Heather’s work also includes consulting and working alongside arts and heritage organisations in developing multi-sensory resources that support local families.
The team also work in partnership across Scotland with freelance creative artists, musicians, festivals and museums to deliver an ambitious programme of creative arts suitable for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities. The resources on these pages provide a flavour of this work. We hope you enjoy them!