Virtual Activity Programme

The Virtual Activity Programme developed by PAMIS has been designed to support the physical and emotional well-being of families at this difficult time. The purposeful and meaningful activities offered in this programme provide opportunities for families to connect with each other.


PAMIS working together with  Motorovate Therapies have created a resource to offer support through this difficult time.  A series of 11 videos and accompanying booklets will be available to offer support with sensory regulation during this time. 

parental regulation   Booklet 

Video 1: sensory regulation for parents/carers professionals  part 1

Video 1: sensory regulation for parents/carers professionals  part 1

Video 2 sensory regulation for parents/carers professionals part 2

Video 3 Sensory Processing Process

Video 4 Proprioception

Here is the link to the booklet to accompany the proprioception video.

Video 5 Vestibular

Here is the booklet to accompany the Vestibular Sensory Processing

What Is Vestibular Sensory Processing


Multi-Sensory Story making

Here is a multi-sensory story guide, full of ideas for creating wonderful multi-sensory stories which people can do together and share with others online should they choose to.

The Arts End of Somewhere, have created a Local story from Dumfries and Galloway to get you started.

Multi-sensory story making




The Kippford Mermaid

Created by The Arts End of Somewhere

1. On a cool night, a Sailor on his way back to Dalbeattie, thought he saw a seal and whistled for its attention

(Make the sound of whistling or use musical instruments that make this sound)

2.It was not a seal but a beautiful mermaid who was in love with the Sailor

(Pass around the mermaid doll)

3. One day, the Sailor was at sea just off the coast of Kippford and there was a terrible storm

(Shake the rain stick)

4. The Captain and all the crew were washed away.

The Sailor tried to hold on to the boat but had to let go.

 (Wave the model boat)

 5. The mermaid came to his rescue. He felt her long hair around him and her strong tail.

(Run fingers through hair)

 6. The mermaid dragged the man to shore and stayed with him all night.

He awoke to the smell of  the beach.

(Sand and shells in a box to smell)

7. The Sailor fell in love with the mermaid and they were very happy swimming in the sea together.

(Dip fingers in water)

 8. They had many children who had black curly hair like their father and silver tails like their


(Silver mermaid tail)

9. They were so happy together.

10. Sadly, the Sailor went back to work on the sea and was in another terrible storm.

He fell overboard but the mermaid could not find him and he died.

(Shake the blue sheet to create waves)

The story of the Sailor and the mermaid became a famous story to warn other sailors to be careful at sea.

Here are some ideas to help you with the props.                                

The Kippford Mermaid Multi Story Making Resource










Drama Resource

Here are wonderful drama resources created for PAMIS by Heather Molloy. This resource also offers the opportunity for hours of fun, where the whole family can get involved in a drama performance.

An Interactive Drama Toolkit    Supporting Slides for drama

Pirate drama toolkit     Supporting Slides for pirates

Making SENse Creative Services – Sensory Crafts

Caroline Hill from Making SENse Creative Services Ltd. has created a marvellous sensory crafts recipe book for PAMIS.  Each day her Facebook Live sessions accompany the recipes. Try out the recipes yourselves and have some sensory fun.



Sensory Inspired Art Activities   Sensory Inspired Art Activities-booklet 2  Sensory inspired art 3Sensory Inspired Art Activities-4Sensory Inspired Art Activities wk 1-5

Sensory Inspired Art Ideas created for Learning Disability Week 2020 – click HERE for  the full booklet.




Sensory Inspired Activities

Laura, an OT student on placement at PAMIS has created this wonderful multi-sensory activities toolkit.

Laura’s Sensory Activities Tookit


PAMIS volunteer Judy has created some more sensory activities to keep you busy.

Click on the following link for the latest version- Judy’s Activities V4

Music Therapy

Music Therapist, Fiona Sharp of F Sharp Music has created a wonderful booklet of how to make your own musical instruments. Videos to accompany this can also be seen on her Facebook Page. Virtual Community Music Sessions are currently offered twice weekly.


Click on this link to find out how to make the instruments- instruments



Art Therapy

Art Therapist, Ashlynn Wardle is delivering wonderful Art for Well-being virtual sessions for families. When you book on the session you receive the wonderful booklet Ashlynn has developed for the sessions.

SOMA (sporting opportunities for motor activities)

Andrew Smart has created a Sporting Opportunities Motor Activities (SOMA) guide. This guide is designed to offer suggestions and support with activities in the SOMA programme and Andrew is on hand if anyone has any questions or needs any help with any aspect of the activities in the guide.


Click here for a full SOMA booklet – SOMA Booklet Final




The Calling – A Poem and Video Resource 

This resource is a celebration of the land, people with profound and multiple learning disabilities, community and poetry.  The poem, The Calling, uses voice, and sensory stimuli to celebrate the landscape of  Tentsmuir.  Arianne and Rachel both participated in the STANZA Poetry Festival in St Andrews early 2020 and brought the story and sounds of Tensmuir to the festival audience. Please feel free to download the poem, which has suggestions for sensing the poem.  You can be as creative as you want to be with the poem. You can create the sounds of the forest and the sea, story umbrella’s can also be created for the forest and the sea. You can make an ocean drum and instruments to help you from the instrument resource pack.

There is a link to a beautiful collage making video titled, Kinshaldy Beach Project, created for PAMIS, by artist Jean Duncan to help you create a collage while listening to the sea.

We would love you to share a picture of your collage with us. Send them to [email protected]

The Calling – Tentsmuir  



Debbie demonstrates how Yogability can be a great way to help with breathing techniques and gentle stretching as well as having other health benefits.  Here are 3 short films she made with Cameron and his carer: Breathing Techniques; Focus on the Feet; and Hands, Arms and Shoulders.  Something you can try in the comfort of your own home.


Please note when you are working with someone you are constantly watching their body language to gauge if they are enjoying what’s happening or if it is hurting them, be aware of any joint pain or injury and miss the bits out that aren’t appropriate for that person.  There should never be pain.

Breathing – we’ve used a Geo Ball to mimic the lungs. (you can get this from Amazon) do this for a minute or two. The carer is doing the breathing alongside the ball, sometime the person will join in but not to worry if they don’t, they’ll still benefit from your calm.

INHALE – open the ball slowly

EXHALE – close the ball slowly

We’ve used the feather. Encourage the person to blow the feather gently on the exhale.  Maybe do 6 – 12 breaths using the feather

Feet and Legs

Encourage wiggling of the toes, carer can help curl the toes in towards the sole of the foot and then help the toes straighten out again, with the person’s own range of movement, never over stretch

Point the toes away from the body then flex the foot back up towards the person

Circling the ankles, both directions

Stretching the hamstrings, again just a gentle stretch, not pushing too hard

Supporting the leg and bringing the knee towards the chest holding it there for 3 breaths (carers breaths) then move the knee in a small circle x 3 the move it the opposite direction then release the leg back down.

Do other side

Hands and arms

Encourage wiggling of fingers then encourage hands moving into a fist and open the hand as wide as it goes, if that’s difficult the carer can help curl the hand into a fist and then help open the fingers as straight as they go, maybe x3

Helping the wrist straighten out, again not overstretching and being aware of when to stop. Just stop doing it if it looks painful, as with all these movements

Circles with the wrist, both directions x 3

Straightening the arm, if possible, if person is hypermobile then you keep a slight bend in the arm

Bending the arm to 90 degrees and supporting both the forearm/elbow and the shoulder gently life the elbow up towards shoulder height x 3 (stopping when is appropriate for the person) it might not move that much and that’s ok

Then taking the elbow up again, pausing, then drawing a small circle with the elbow x3 both directions pausing and releasing back down.

Postural Care – to watch the films, click on the links below

Get your body moving. Get Your Body Moving

What families are doing. What Families are doing

What causes body shape to change? What causes body shape to change

Speech & Language – Postural Care. PC Speech & Language Therapist

Michelle Morrison speaks about the importance of postural care.  Michelle talking about postural care

You can view the full PAMIS film on postural care. Postural Care Full Length film

Simple Stuff Works YouTube channel:

NHS Education for Scotland have produced useful booklets: People’s Guide PCPractitioner’s Guide PC,  Your Posture Matters – Lets take care of it together


Dance is a part of every culture across the world. It is a celebration of life and is a fun way to keep fit and healthy.  Dance improves muscle tone and strength. It improves coordination and flexibility. It improves balance and spatial awareness. Dance increases confidence and self esteem. It’s great for lifting mood and supports general psychological well-being. In the video link below Liz Box, from Confidance for Life takes you on a dance journey through some of the countries of the world, to inspire you to create your own dance.  We invite you to have fun with dance and please do share your danced with us we would love to see the dances you create. If you would like to share your dance with us or need any help and support with the music or dance then please contact [email protected]





All the activities have been designed with connection in mind. In times of isolation and unfamiliar  routines we hope you find these activities useful and look forward to connecting with you though our virtual programme.

Holistic Therapies is offered online by The Manda Centre and if you are interested in any of these free sessions, contact [email protected]