Postural care project funded by Scottish Government
Neurological Framework funding enabling us to support protecting the body shape of people living with neurological conditions

New Postural Care Project
PAMIS received funding from Scottish Government’s Neurological Framework funding in May 2022 to run a project with three partner organisations, raising knowledge of postural care for people living with neurological conditions.
Between May 2022 and June 2023, PAMIS worked alongside Muscular Dystrophy UK, Scottish Huntington’s Association and Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Scotland establishing resources and education for them and the people they support to increase their knowledge in protecting body shape.
To find out more, read our end of project report
Postural Care developments across Scotland
This project was influenced by Your Posture Matters, the Scottish postural care strategy working towards ending body shape deterioration in Scotland.
Postural Care – what a difference a day makes
Watch our Postural Care film featuring family stories. This film has been produced by family carers, PAMIS and NHS Lanarkshire Allied Health Professionals.