
PAMIS celebrated its 32th anniversary in 2024!

In this time we have grown from very small beginnings to a well-established and valued part of the voluntary sector in Scotland.

In 1992 with a small starter grant and one unpaid member of staff (Loretto Lambe) PAMIS was launched. Working alongside Loretto, James Hogg, Chair of PAMIS also devoted his life to supporting people with learning disabilities and complex health care needs until their retirement in 2014. The vision even then was one in which people with profound and multiple learning disabilities and their families were at the heart of PAMIS’ work. With Scottish Executive funding the family support services was established. These services are still at the heart of realising our mission, and it is around them we have developed the wise range of initiatives demonstrated throughout our website.

We are a leading organisation that is responsive to the needs of the people we support in innovative and creative ways.

Our commitment is to ensure that:

  • people with PMLD are valued as contributors to the community
  • individuals receive all the support needed to participate fully in everyday life
  • choices, abilities and needs underlie all provision and policy affecting their lives
  • the knowledge and experience of family carers is recognise.

To achieve this, PAMIS offers:

  • practical help, advice, training and information
  • individual support, and contact with other families
  • assistance with achieving better access to community resources, whether mainstream or specialist
  • the opportunity to significantly influence policy and services, both at local and national levels.

Meet the Team

We are a dedicated and passionate team. Say hello.

PAMIS offices

Supporting families across Scotland

Grampian & Clackmannanshire

Director: Danielle Shull

Tel: 01382 755391
Fax: n/a
Email: [email protected]

Greater Glasgow & Clyde

Director: Elizabeth Platt

Tel: 01382 755392
Fax: n/a
Email: [email protected]


Director: Lesley McLaren

Tel: 01382 755393
Fax: n/a
Email: [email protected]


Director: Alex Hoskins

Tel: 01382 755394
Fax: n/a
Email: [email protected]


Director: Andrew Smart

Tel: 01382 755 390
Fax: n/a
Email: [email protected]