Catriona Jamieson

I'm Catriona, learning disabilities specialist nurse. My role is to lead and develop various aspects of PAMIS' work including PAMIS Digital Passports, our specialist PMLD First Aid course, the specialist epilepsy service, health related services for people with PMLD, and digital services for people with PMLD. I am passionate about using a digital and multimedia approach to assist in developing a broad range of supportive and inclusive services and tools from oral and living history projects to communicating practical health and care information.

What inspired you to work with PAMIS?

PAMIS were very supportive of a dear family member and I became aware of the work that the charity offered and how that could change people’s lives for the better.

What is your role?

I am a Learning Disabilities Nurse, and Director of Health and Digital. This means that I lead across several PAMIS workstreams including the PAMIS Digital Passport, PMLD First Aid, Epilepsy and Digital inclusion.

What does working at PAMIS mean to you?

I suspect that most of my colleagues would answer in the same way as me- working for PAMIS, and PAMIS families is more than a job. It truly is a way of life!
I am fortunate in having a very rewarding role where I get to work with individuals and families in a very practical and meaningful way. I get to see the best side of practitioners who are desperate to improve the lives of people who have PMLD and who see the value in listening to and acting on the experience of the family carers.
I can see daily the positive contribution that the work of PAMIS has on people's lives and I'm proud to be included in that.

Tell us something we wouldn’t guess about you?

I'm a figure skater and skate in a local adult skate team. We were chosen to appear on Dancing on Ice and skated as zombies to Thriller at Elstree Studios in London.

Why do you think it’s important for people to know about PAMIS and the services they provide?

It’s vital for people to know about PAMIS - as a person with PMLD or their family carer, to access support, activities and resources, as a practitioner, to ensure that your practice is relevant to people who have PMLD and aligns with your values, or as a member of the general public, to ensure that you are aware of the needs of people who have PMLD and can adjust your own environment and communication to ensure that they are included with equity.

What is your favourite quote?
It takes a community.......