
The transition from children’s services to adult service’s is particularly complex for young people with profound and complex learning disabilities. Changes in day service provision, the introduction of self-directed support and budgetary constraints have all added to the confusion and increased the inequality in provision.

Within Greater Glasgow & Clyde funding has recently been secured through the Big Lottery for a 2 year project supporting parents and carers who have relatives, aged 15-18, who are either approaching the transition process from education to adult services or who are currently in this transition process.

Staff within the Transitions Project can assist parents and carers with the three key areas of transition, these being:

  • Welfare and Financial Guardianship
  • Self-directed Support and planning for post-education
  • Welfare benefits and rights

Please watch this short film on Transitions. PAMIS as part of the Scottish Transitions forum Principles of Good Transitions developed this specific resource to highlight the principles in practice for young people with a profound learning and multiple disabilities and their families.