
Research is core to the work developed by PAMIS and we actively contribute to and undertake our own research.

Family carers communicate and engage with PAMIS about their hopes and aspirations for future research. We are committed to undertake research that has been identified by family carers as being beneficial to contributing to the advancement of the health, wellbeing and education.

PAMIS has a research team who are skilled and experienced in monitoring and evaluating both academic and outcome-focused projects. They have expertise in social science research methodology. The research team are particularly passionate about areas of emotional and mental well-being, leisure and technology-enabled care. A variety of published papers in academic journals and peer-reviewed newsletters have emerged from PAMIS’ project work.

The most important aspect of this is getting the research message out there and we are committed to sharing research with the wider community in order to make positive changes in practice. We are involved with the Scottish Consortium for Learning Disabilities and the Scottish Learning Disabilities Observatory. Annually, we contribute to the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disability.

PAMIS offer research and consultancy services.