Planning (Scotland) Act update – Changing Places Toilets Regulations
From the 18th May 2020, planning applications for large, public buildings in Scotland are required to include a Changing Places toilet based on regulations laid before the Scottish Parliament on the 6th March 2020. The Town and Country Planning (Changing Places Toilet Facilities)(Scotland) Regulations 2020 amend section 41B(2) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 and include the following types of development:
(a) as a school, college or university,
(b) as a community centre, sports and leisure centre, or similar public building,
(c) as a hospital or other facility for the provision of health services,
(d) as a retail outlet,
(e) as a cultural centre, such as a museum, concert hall or art gallery,
(f) as a stadium or large auditorium,
(g) as a major transport terminus or interchange,
(h) as a motorway service facility,
(i) as a conference or exhibition centre,
(j) as a restaurant or café,
(k) as a public house or nightclub.
For full details and further guidance on the requirements, please see Scottish Government Planning Circular 1/2020.
PAMIS worked closely with MSPs as the Planning (Scotland) Bill progressed through the Scottish parliament and welcome these significant legislative changes which are a vital step forward in tackling inequality and ensuring that thousands of people will now have vastly improved access to appropriate toilet facilities. The cross party support for these changes to planning law along with recent amendments to Scottish Building Standards demonstrates the determination and commitment to improving provision of these life changing facilities in Scotland.
PAMIS are the lead organisation for Changing Places toilets in Scotland and continues to offer expert advice and support for venues seeking to install a Changing Places toilet. For detailed design and management advice please refer to the Practical Guide publication produced by the Changing Places Consortium. For more information or queries relating to Changing Places toilets please contact: [email protected]. If you are based in England, Wales or Northern Ireland please contact: [email protected].