PAMIS Volunteers Secure Book Deal
The Arts End of Somewhere have received funding from Creative Scotland’s Nurture Talent Fund to make their publishing dreams become a reality. Working alongside Curly Tale Books, the group of young people will produce a unique and innovative children’s book featuring a local tale which has been adapted into a multi-sensory story.
The Nurturing Talent Fund was developed and is managed by the National Youth Arts Advisory Group (NYAAG) who directly support the creative ideas and ambitions of young people in Scotland. The Arts End of Somewhere were amongst many other talented young people who received a share of £38,000.
The Arts End of Somewhere are supported by the organisation PAMIS (promoting a more inclusive society) who have worked with the collective as they developed their skills and knowledge of multi-sensory storytelling.
“It has been a privilege to be a part of their journey,” said Heather Molloy, Programme Lead for PAMIS, “the book will be the first of its kind, written and produced specifically to support people with profound learning and multiple disabilities and their families. I am so proud of everything the group has achieved.”
Of course, a great deal of the work will be done during challenging circumstances, but this group don’t seem to let anything get in their way.
“It has helped my confidence and kept me going in lockdown,” said Arts End of Somewhere Storyteller and Performer Faye Cattanach, “I have made new friends and love being involved in the group. Also, it has given me a lot of opportunities I thought I couldn’t do otherwise without this group. I just love it.” The group are also celebrating having recently won the award for Creative Innovation in the Scottish Learning Disability Awards 2020.
Shalla Gray is an author and illustrator based in Galloway. She runs Curly Tale Books, an independent publisher of children’s books which aims to educate and enthuse children (and adults) all over the world about the stories found in this beautiful part of Scotland. She had this to say, “I’m really looking forward to working with The Arts End of Somewhere to create a sensory story book from this lovely local story. Sensory stories enable the joy of storytelling to be given to a much wider and more inclusive audience, and I’m sure we are all going to enjoy the creative experience”
The Arts End of Somewhere are now in the busy planning stages and will be working with Shalla to design the illustrations within the book which is expected to be released in Spring 2021.