PAMIS are now offering Multi-Sensory Storytelling Residentials!

**New series of unique residential weekends that explores multi-sensory storytelling through the lens of the Celtic seasonal calendar**

‘Seasons’ is a brand new series of residentials courses run by PAMIS ‘Spirit of Stories’ and are a celebration of multi- sensory stories and the Celtic festival wheel. Each weekend workshop will be season specific and the four weekend workshops will celebrate four Celtic festivals, offering four opportunities to work with multi-sensory stories and ceremony as a way of connecting and engaging with people with profound and multiple learning disabilities.

1-3 February 2019 ‘Beginnings’

3-5 May 2019 ‘Opening’

2-4th August 2019  ‘Gathering’

1-3 November 2019  ‘Mysteries’

These experiential courses  introduce and explore multi-sensory storytelling as a way of supporting and connecting with people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD), and other ‘hard to reach groups’, through creative engagement. As an introduction to multi-sensory storytelling this course offers the opportunity to explore creative sensory ideas and experiences that will enhance the lives of people with PMLD in a relaxing and supportive environment. An excellent opportunity to recharge your own batteries while exploring this subject!

Participants will:

  • gain an understanding of multi-sensory storytelling (msst)
  • gain an understanding of the benefits of msst
  • gain an understanding of the value of msst in education and engagement
  • increase creative awareness
  • realise the potential of creativity to connect with people with pmld
  • have fun and enjoy the learning experience


Friday: Arrive on Friday evening and settle in. Introductions and an outline of the weekend.

Saturday: We will introduce MSST, creative ideas and the Celtic seasonal calendar. We will explore why stories are so important and what they can achieve. This will include an introduction to our senses.

Break for lunch (provided)

We will look at examples of existing stories, both individual and cultural, to generate understanding and begin creative thinking.

The Celtic seasonal calendar will be introduced along with some of the associated stories for this season.

Sunday: We start by concentrating on the ancient celtic festival which is the theme for the weekend, and it’s cultural significance. We will then examine how ceremonies can facilitate connection with people with pmld.

Our residential will be held in the comfortable surroundings of our Coach House, an accessible holiday home in Aberfeldy. 

Meals provided: breakfast on Saturday and Sunday, lunch on Saturday  and Sunday, and evening meal on Saturday.

Lunch will be provided on Saturday and Sunday to non-residents.

Residential places on this course are £260 for a shared room/£280 for private room (limited availability) Non-residential places are £200.

For more information please contact Fiona Harper on 01382 385154 or at [email protected]