Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill: Consultation Response

PAMIS welcome the opportunity to respond to the Scottish Government’s Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill consultation. Our response has now been submitted and you can view this via the link below. We want to thank everyone who helped inform and shape our response.


PAMIS LDAN Bill Response



The Scottish Government have published an important Consultation Paper on its proposed Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence (LDAN) Bill. You can see the Consultation Paper here. The deadline for responding is 21st April 2024.

This bill is an opportunity to advance the rights and promote the contributions that people with profound learning and multiple disabilities (PMLD) can make within their communities. PAMIS will be responding to this important consultation to ensure the voices of people with PMLD and their families are heard loudly.

We have produced a series of briefing papers that set out our thinking on some of the highest priority areas and we welcome any feedback from families which we will incorporate into our response. These are based on your experiences over the years and what you have told us as part of the day to day work we deliver.

Part 1 : Reach and Definitions Public Briefing paper

Section 1 : Health and Wellbeing Public Briefing Paper

Section 3 : Social Care Briefing Paper

Section 4: Housing and Independent Living Briefing Paper

It has always been the ethos of PAMIS to involve and engage with you, the families, at every possibly opportunity in order to identify how best we can provide the support that you need and also to put us in a unique position to share your views in all of the work that we do. Our response to this consultation will be no different. We have had the privilege of learning, listening and working with people with PMLD and their families for the past 32 years and we are using all of this within our response which will cover all 21 sections of the consultation. Our response will reflect the principal aims of our organisation, most notably to contribute to and influence policy and practice in order to:

  • ensure people with PMLD and their families have access to a healthy, valued and inclusive life.
  • that people with PMLD are valued both as individuals and the contribution they make to the community,
    that people with PMLD should receive all the support needed to realise their full potential.
  • that people with PMLD have a right to a full life shaped by personal choice, abilities and needs and that this underlies all provision and policy affecting their lives.
  • that the knowledge and experience of family carers is recognised and that their views are fully taken into account in service development.

We know that much needs to change for people with PMLD to live a full and more equal life in Scotland. This is a key opportunity for you to make your views heard. You can also respond as an individual and you need only complete the sections you feel are most relevant and important to you.

To respond visit the Scottish Government website where they have made the Consultation Paper available in several different formats, including Easy Read, so that it is accessible to as many people as possible. You can view Easy Read materials here.

Help us make the voices of people with PMLD heard.

Jenny Miller, CEO and Pat Graham, Chair of PAMIS Board of Governors.