Dare to Dream – The story of the dreams and aspirations for lifelong learning for everyone with profound and multiple learning disabilities Dundee Women’s Festival
PAMIS’ Maureen Phillip has organised a fantastic event for the Dundee Women’s Festival – Dare to Dream: A vote for Learning for People with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities. Four young women with profound and multiple learning disabilities will use film, storytelling and reality theatre techniques to perform Dare to Dream. This performance will tell the story of the dreams and aspirations for lifelong learning for everyone with profound and multiple learning disabilities. For one hour these four women will become the voice for many as they transport you through a multi-sensory journey of their dream. This event if free and please stay for tea, coffee and a blether.
This event is being held at the Whitetop Centre in Dundee at 1.30pm on Wednesday the 14th of March. To book phone 01382 385154 or email [email protected].
Please find more information below!