Carers Information and Consultation Event

South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership and PAMIS are holding an event, which we are inviting family carers to.

The event is taking place on Wednesday 29th November 2017 at South Lanarkshire Council, Banqueting Hall, Almada Street, Hamilton, ML3 0AA from 10.30am-2pm (coffee and registration from 10am-10.30am)

It will be the opportunity to hear about some developments in terms of carers’ rights (through the Carers Scotland Act) and of the social work assessment process in Scotland (self-directed support).  There will be some short presentations and some workshops/discussions.  Feedback from those attending the event will help us to shape the new Carers Strategy for South Lanarkshire.  

The event will be taking place at the Banqueting Hall to make the event as accessible as possible and we will be bringing our Changing Places vehicle, the Pamiloo.

There will be a range of information stands in the hall and lunch will be provided too.  There is free parking in the Council’s main car-park and by the Council headquarters though spaces can be limited.

If you would like to attend the event, please let us know by registering so that we can be sure of numbers and for catering purposes.

To register (please give your name, contact details and any dietary requirements):

Email Lesley McLaren at PAMIS: [email protected]


Phone Lesley at PAMIS on: 01698 420411

or complete the slip below and post back to Lesley at: 

42 Campbell Street
South Lanarkshire