Accessible Travel Survey
Scottish Disability Equality Forum (SDEF) is working with Transport Scotland to undertake research into Accessible Travel. In September 2016, Transport Scotland published Scotland’s first Accessible Travel Framework. This is a new plan, co-produced with disabled people to help improve their access to travel.
Transport Scotland has a vision that all disabled people can travel with the same freedom, choice, dignity and opportunity as others.
Their research involves gathering the views of disabled people on how you find travelling on public transport just now, and how Transport Scotland’s work to apply the framework can best help improve accessibility for disabled people.
To help with this, Scottish Disability Equality Forum have developed a survey and would like this to be completed by as many disabled people as possible. This survey will act as a baseline to gather information about experiences of public transport, and SDEF will build on this over the lifetime of the Accessible Travel Framework.
Complete the survey by clicking here.
There is an easy read version available on request.
The survey will be open until June 9 2017.
We’re here to help so you can contact Maureen Bennison at the Scottish Disability Equality Forum on 01259 272064 or at [email protected] Alternatively, contact [email protected] if you have any questions of want to get in touch.