Postural Care Event
Friday 3rd June, our invitation to speak to healthcare consultants and professionals at the Cerebral Palsy Integrated Pathway Scotland event.

“Frances and I have been involved in developing resources on postural care alongside other carers and healthcare professionals in Lanarkshire. Part of this work has been our postural care film and we were keen to promote this at the annual Cerebral Palsy Integrated Pathway Scotland (CPIPS) event. This was the first time that the healthcare professionals had invited speakers along from outside their field of practice.”
Kate Jordan

“It was great to hear about practice from across the UK on addressing the issue of hip surveillance although most of the speakers were speaking from a surgical perspective. This was really interesting as both Robert and Kara have had surgery on their dislocated hips. Lots of the presentations discussed pain and this was of particular interest too as both Kate and I have had to help our children have their pain identified. Kate and I didn’t speak until the end of the day so I think it was great way to end the event with our film. Everyone enjoyed the small sneak peek we played and we will send on the full film to all of the attendees as soon as we have this ready.”
Frances Cadzow